A Joe Biden Victory Could Change the Country Forever

Eric Medlin
3 min readJul 8, 2020

Such a victory could lead to the end of the nation’s clearest impediment to structural change.

Joe Biden giving a recent speech. Source: The New York Times

The political epitaph of President Donald Trump has not yet been written. Trump is still the incumbent president in a polarized country. He has millions of dollars to spend in his 2020 campaign and near-total control of his party. He should not be counted out until the Electoral College casts a majority of votes in favor of his opponent.

But with each passing day, the chances of a Joe Biden presidency increase. Biden’s positive poll numbers continue to grow. A representative Monmouth poll on Monday gave Biden a twelve-point advantage, while an Economist/YouGov poll gave him a nine point lead. His success has ripple effects throughout the country. It forces Republicans to spend money in previously safe states such as Georgia and Arizona, money that they would have otherwise spent shoring up Michigan and Wisconsin. The chance of success also increases Biden’s support among Democrats and diminishes the party divisions that were so stark during the previous presidential campaign. There have been none of the failed endorsements and stories of lukewarm Democratic support that plagued the Hillary Clinton campaign. As Democrats continue to think Biden might win, they will continue to unify behind their candidate.



Eric Medlin

I’m a writer interested in the intersections of history, ideas, and politics. I publish every week. www.twitter.com/medlinwrites